Sunday, August 25, 2019

Psalm of Lament (for my younger brother)

My heart breaks, breaks, breaks for my brother!
Hearing his cries whenever we talk, my heart breaks!
Hearing his complaints, my heart breaks!
Hearing his lostness, my heart breaks!
Hearing his aimless wandering in his own thoughts, my heart breaks!
Hearing his regurgitation of the past, again and again, my heart breaks!
With no clarity, he is lost in his own thoughts,
lost in trying to find a way to make it stop while trying to live.
Survive, survive, survive.
But he does not thrive.
Survive, survive, survive.
And keep arriving at the same lessons, making the same mistakes.
Survive, survive, survive.
Oh God, there is more to life than just to survive.
Become the path, the life, the means, the light.
So that survive may turn to ALIVE!

“I want to be in a family and to be with people who care about me.
I’ve wanted that my whole life.”
So, the father wound speaks, the same wound we share.
Wanting that safe place, to be with safe people.
Wanting relief from the wound given from an alcoholic father;
from emotional abuse, neglect,
from the very person you should have been able to trust.
I have been targeted for blame in this wound, moving out when I was of age.

Five times has God answered that prayer:
Moving into my home, providing job after job, new living situations with others,
my home again, and now another job and another opportunity for family.
“People are the problem,” you say. And you are right!
Yet you are very wrong about who the problem people are.
Look at yourself, look inward!
Dare to see how you treat people.
See how you push away and hide from the very thing you desire!
You cannot trust, but want to trust, but cannot trust, but want to trust...
Divided, your heart wars against everything and everyone, especially yourself.

In desperation, in pain, you seek solace!
So, you turn to cisterns that are broken and hold no water.
Unable to return to the weed that has dulled the ache in your heart,
you turn to water that is not water – that poison alcohol.
How it clutters your heart! How it increases the confusion and pain!
How it disables your ability to see yourself as you are
and instead your problems grow, people withdraw (sometimes without explanation).
The Hyde overtakes the Jekyll.
The Emperor with new clothes (naked he struts about, his damage for all to see).
He survives and doesn’t see, can’t see how naked and afraid he really is.

Until you can hide from it no more.
Then, you can do nothing but try to hide more.

Oh, Lord, Deliverer of my soul –
How you have delivered me from all this! (Surely You have).
Be the Deliverer for my brother.
As You have done for me, do for him!
And greater things I ask!
As You have said, “The older shall serve the younger.”
So, let it be, may he rise!
Greater in faith,
Greater in depth of love.
Greater in depth of knowledge and insight of the Holy One!
Show yourself as the Risen Christ in his midst.
Birth in my brother the only birth that can make
the survivor not only survive but ALIVE.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Trust You To The ONE

This is a new song I was inspired to write about a month ago. A new acquaintance and my broken relationship with my brother prompted these lyrics. Sometimes, you realize that something needs to be done in someone's life that only God can do. And that you are also not able to accompany them closely on their journey and need to trust the person to the only one who is trustworthy, who can do the work that needs to be done (in the right timing and through the right people).

To the heart that's broken, already been bruised,
another hard touch wasn't needed.
The gentle word spoken,
the comforting presence
was what I wish I could give

So I trust you to the One who can restore the broken.
I trust you to the One who's soft whisper comforts.
I trust you to the One.

May you find grace in time of need
and even in times of plenty.
Let healing come to my friend in need,
enabling to love again fully.

I trust you to the One who will restore the broken.
I trust you to the One who's love is better than wine.
I trust you to the One who's shaking what needs shaken.
I trust you to the One who makes all things new.

Come out of the grave! Come out of the darkness!
Let God's light shine on you!
Come out of sadness, out from the depths!
Life and light beckon you!

I trust you to the One who will restore the broken.
I trust you to the One who's love is better than wine.
I trust you to the One who's shaking what needs shaken.
I trust you to the One who makes all things new.
I trust you to the One.
I trust you to the One.