Thursday, July 13, 2006


Inspired by a meditation from 1John.

I spent this afternoon meditating on sections of 1John and was thinking particularly about one of my favorite verses: 1John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, the Son, cleanses us from all unrightousness." What came out of this meditation was the realization that we always need an Advocate with the Father -- if there is conscious sin in our heart or sins we've committed or not, then because there is still something within us that will need to be perfected until we have left this body and are fully united with the Lord in spirit, soul, and body. Until then we will need an Advocate because of the sin and imperfections that are still present in our lives. From this time of meditation came a song -- well, actually, I must say that the understanding above came after I wrote the song. I was trying to understand the lyrics and main them after I wrote it (I'd rather say it was given to me -- this is how I often get my songs and lyrics, they just come). Like many of my songs, this is meant to be a worship song leading I and others into the very presence of God. The length, though, might defy it being such a song... but who knows?!? I'm currently listening to Hillsong's United -- United We Stand and ALL the songs are long and worshipful and lead you into glorious communion with and exulting in Jesus. I hope this song will function the same way!!!

I'm walking in the light, exposing all
To Your Holy sight so that I'll be transformed
And covered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus
I won't say, "I'm doing okay,"
'Cause in my heart there's sin today
And I confess my unrighteousness
'Cause You are faithful to forgive and cleanse us

Now I come, I come to
Now I come, I come to
Now I come, I come to
Now I come, I come to

The Advocate with the Father
Jesus Christ, Righteous One
Faithful Son of God
Who laid His life down for us
By His wounds I am healed
By His life I am restored anew

I'm abiding in the Son, walking on
The path Jesus walked, letting your love be perfected
And drive all my fear away by your Holy Love
I won't say "I've arrived, I'm done."
'Cause in my heart there's work yet to be done
But this I do, forgetting the past
I press on towards the heavenly prize

With our lives, we bear the Name
And by confession we proclaim
He's the Son, Righteous One
Died on the cross and was raised up