Sunday, February 16, 2020

What Are Your Strengths (Part 2)

My StregthsFinder results showed that my top 5 strengths were: Intellection, Responsibility, Relator, Strategic, and Input.

These results differed somewhat from what I had determined from reading. I easily saw that I have Intellection and Relator as strengths.

I had considered Responsibility as one of my top 5 instead of Achiever. I am driven to complete things out of a sense of duty and because my word is my bond. It is not important how much I achieve, but that I am true to my promises and to my own integrity. Whereas the Achiever gets affirmation and almost a sense of completion by getting things done. I also feel the need to complete things because “it is not just about me.” The things I engage in and commit to often impact people beyond just myself, so there is a sense of obligation for the greater good. Like those who the text describes, I am utterly dependable.[1]

The other strengths I identified from reading were Learner and Belief. In hindsight, I can see how neither may be strengths. I am driven to learn about specific things of interest but not everything. And I would say that as I intellect (or think) about things and process them, I learn even more. While I am good at research, I don’t feel this need to collect and uncover every source of knowledge. I learn as a means to an end, it is not the end itself. For the learner, the process of learning and learning about everything is the focus and that is definitely not me.[2]

Belief was surprising, although I can see that as NOT being a strength also. My convictions hold me true to things and, again, I think that ties back more into responsibility. The intellection strength causes me to process and process until I am sure that I am sure about something. This is a way my faith (and thus my belief) is activated.

Strategic seems to fit me. When I listen to my friends process, I am usually able to pinpoint the vital things they are sharing that they may need to take action on. I am very much one like the text describes: playing out scenarios to see what will happen if I make this choice.[3] Although I think I do this more with others than myself. I strategize on a deeply unconscious level because I don’t normally project various scenarios based on choices I might make. Usually I can pretty quickly and easily see the vital things I need to do to get from point A to B to C.

The Input strength was a little surprising, but not completely. This speaks to how I function on teams: I am rarely the leader and like to function in supportive roles, offering helpfully input. Usually my input is very specific, probably because of because of strategy.

[1] Don Clifton, StrengthsFinder 2.0 (New York: GALLUP PRESS, 2017), 149.
[2] Clifton, 133.
[3] Clifton, 165.


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