Monday, February 24, 2020

Broken Separation

Written for a friend who's heart is hurting.

Where does the path lead now?
What do I do?
So many questions!

His heart hurts! Trust has been broken, broken, broken!!!
Marriage was sealed with Your promise
But has come unsealed by breaches in the promises that were made.

Hearts hurt, both afraid, both uncertain, both bruised.
Hearts have been hurt by both.
To the Healer, I bring these.

In the space
In the burning ashes of hurt and pain, bring solace.
Let the fire burn, the Refiner Fire.
In the separation, show them each truth.
What life will look like now.
If they seal the separate space.

Show these hearts truth
That cannot be unseen or unheard
Spirit convict, comfort, lead to righteousness.

Let mercy triumph over the judgement
That each feels is warranted.
Leave room for mercy, for the blood, for the Living Christ

To have the FINAL WORD


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