My Strengths -- Spiritual Growth and Opportunities
Strategic, and Input has fueled my study of Scripture and reading of many
books. The way I tend to look at Scripture is a means to hear the voice of God
for myself and others. And I approach nearly all books that same way – as means
to hear from the Holy Spirit and learn of the world through His eyes, including
sometimes the contrasts to the viewpoints that are in direct opposition to him.
Of Intellection, the Strength Insight Report stated that you might consider
yourself a great educator and I think that also means perhaps a good teacher.[1]
Time will tell if this is the case as I am just getting started – but I do
enjoy presenting things God is teaching me at monthly men’s breakfasts. Soon I
will have the chance to share on Sunday mornings as well.
Relator strength has fueled a desire to be in close relationship with other men
and to be in accountability. I have sought this through friendship and more
formal means (such as accountability groups) for the past 20+ years. Now I am
stepping into a new opportunity to facilitate Living Free groups in my church,
which is a type of Scripture-based recovery curriculum.
I have
served on worship teams for quite awhile. The Strategic and Input strengths have
allowed me to creatively contribute to the sound of the team. This is something
that has been developed over the last 25 years playing acoustic guitar. I used
to be just a one man band but about 15 years ago things changed and I found myself
playing parts and doing things to amplify the sound of the team.
has played a huge part in just being reliable in whatever capacity and role I
serve. I am known for my steadiness, reliability, and faithfulness.
alongside friends, supporting them, and walking with them through struggles and
in their walk with Christ is something that gives me great joy. This is probably
where I find my gifts of intellection, strategy, relator, and input combine to
be a great friend. I am thinking this will naturally and spiritually lead me
into counseling and a supportive pastoral ministry role.