Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Invest in Millions or a Life

I saw the film "Millions" last night, about a boy who finds a million English pounds. He and his brother hoard the share and have very different ideas on how to use the money. The younger boy who finds the money wishes to spend it on the poor and finds himself at odds with his older brother who wants to spend it on themselves and on securing "happiness." At war are two worldviews and opposing views on what the purpose of money is truly for.

I was amused and intrigued by the younger boy who had religious visions throughout the movie trying to received guidance on what to do with the money. He is visited by many saints from the ages who instruct him and give opportunity for him to be generous -- all to his older brother's displeasure and disbelief.

As I watched, I wondered, "What would I do with a million dollars? How would I invest it?"

Not a second went by when I heard from the Lord, "You've been given something far more precious -- a life."

My thoughts continuing, "Yes, and how great to use money to invest in lives."

But the message was clear -- far more precious to God is our lives rather than things like money. The greatest investment I can make is in using my life: talents, abilities, time, even possessions wisely to advance His kingdom -- and that, I think, is done by investing in other lives.


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