Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Broken-hearted (Healing Will Flow)

Inspired by Revelation 22:1-9

Last night I was working on another song, "God With Us," adding some finishing musical touches. My thoughts drifted towards my brokenness and some of the reasons why I am sad right now, most of which has to do with the changes in my family. And I thought further about the continuum of my life thus far, how it has been full of both joy and sorrow, and a continual need for healing (or more healing) has persisted. Rather than being filled with despair over this, however, I saw hope. In our confusion, weakness, and hard-pressed circumstances we have the resources of God in Christ available. He is close to those who are broken and admit their weaknesses. Only then can they know his nearness and provision. From this came a song.

Something I have long realized and am embracing more and more is the fact that this side of heaven, I will never be "complete," righteous, without sin, above the curse from the Fall, or beyond refining or needing additional healing of heart, mind, soul, or body. Only in heaven will all those things be really true. Now I know each of these things as a reality -- in Christ by faith. The reality I see as a shadow or faintly at best, like being in a dimly lit room and looking into a mirror. My body and soul aches for completeness, healing, and complete righteousness. I am frustrated with my inadequacies, unruly desires, and bad habits that I continue to struggle with. As a young Christian I think I expected to be "done" with many things, but that has not happened. The struggle continues. Yet I can say that I see progress. The Lord is faithful and true to His word to complete the good work He has begun in me. I wonder how far I am to completion?

The verses of the song speak simply of God's presence and closeness with the broken-hearted and mournful. Revelation 22 gives a snapshot of what life will be like for us in heaven before the throne of God, and from this came the chorus. As I reflected on my brokenness and God's promises to comfort on the way, my thoughts culminated in thinking about that final day when we will be at God's throne and where everything hoped for will be fulfilled.

God is close to the broken hearted
Sorrow lasts only through the night
Joy it comes in the morning
With the dawn bringing peace and light

Blessed are mournful followers
Comfort will come by their side
Tears will be wiped tomorrow
In God's fullness they will know delight

And He will bring us to the river of life
Clear as crystal, flowing from the Throne
No longer will there be any curse
Healing will come from the trees of life
For the nations


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