Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This Precious Life

This past week I had a revelation, some "moments" with God just about life that have lingered. I was just thinking about my life last week and how it's gone the past few years. I have to admit that I haven't been that good at using my personal resources for God for awhile. By this I mean my talents, gifts, abilities, and opportunities. Yes, I've been through a lot the past few years, too much stuff to share, but I've found myself using all this as excuse to retreat from pursuing God and living for His glory -- to really make Him known.

"I'm hurt, afraid, tired, grieving, whatever." All excuses. Not to sound without compassion (sorry for anyone going through those things -- I feel for you). I've just realized that, for myself, I could've done a lot more than I did and that I have squandered many days and weeks, dare I say months of the last few years. I have empty memories to show for it. I wish I would not have retreated and isolated and just said, "No I can't do that right now."

And as I have retreated I have lost some vision of what God has for me (He is restoring it and reminding me, as He always, always does). I have listened to other voices that have carried me elsewhere and I have despised the precious gift of this life. That is one of the things that can happen when you retreat, even a little bit, from God's visiion of who you really are and of His designs for you. Really this life is a gift and that is what hit me so powerfully.

You see, this life -- we live it once. We will have all eternity to live with God and be part of His plan in that time and place (if eternal heaven can really be defined by "time" and "place"). We will do whatever He wants and be very happy doing it.

In that time called "eternity," though, we will have it forever. But this life, this here and now, WILL come to an end. We have ONE chance, ONE opportunity to go through this existence and then it WILL pass away, remembered only in memories and God will even heal those and wipe away our tears so eventally we will probably forget this life. It's going to be completely gone and swallowed up by eternity -- even the memory of it. After that happens, we will not have any more chances to "do right" what we can do in this life right now.

There is a purpose that God has for me -- summed up, to live for the glory of God. I don't know what that means for anybody else, somoewhat so for myself. Now and however many days I have left; that's all I have to live out this purpose. Like it or not, my days ARE numbered. I am going to die and be called home or see Jesus return one of these days -- whichever comes first. It'll be glorious either way.

God's purpose, overall purpose, is that everything may be brought under one head, Christ. That WILL happen. And I get to be a part of it!!! As His child, a chosen one, I get to be part of this great plan to bring everything under the dominion and supervision and control of God's Son, Jesus!!! This plan that spans time from the creation of the earth until Jesus returns.

I have a part in it -- big or small really doesn't matter. It's my part to play, my part in bringing glory to God and helping others know Him. And this part to play in His glorious plan which will already be established in eternity (somewhow it's all done and happening at the same time -- I don't undrestand) -- this part that I am functioning in and living in can only be done IN THIS LIFE. Once my life is done and over, God will move me forward into the established and operational reign of Jesus in eternity. Tears will be wiped away and I'll probably forget this life in the fascination of being with God and everyone in heaven and moving forward in all the newness and wonder of eternal life. I won't even care about "that which has passed."

This life is all there is -- right now and the days I have left -- to be part of God's plan for the here and now. This is my only opportunity and I won't get a second chance. I can think of a million reasons why God should reject me as His child or decide He doesn't need me anymore. But He does needs me -- even better, He wants me as part of all this!!!

This life is too precious to waste or misuse, to expend on things that make so little lasting impact or just to give it away without a passing thought. Yeah, there's a place for fun. I want to have fun!!! But all to the glory of God!!!

This is all gift, with Jesus, this life. God has given me a "place" in his plan and among His people -- a precious role to occupy until Jesus His Son returns. This is gift and grace 'cause "the place" is still there for me to occupy, the role still there for me to play, the purpose outlined before creation is still there for me to walk in and fulfill. And I have many years, in fact, left to do this. All is gift, all is gift in Jesus.


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