Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To Live is Christ

These song lyrics were basically inspired by the meditation I share in the previous post "This Precious Life." As I furthered considered the preciousness of the life that I have been given, I realized that truly my great value and worth comes from Jesus. To live is to be in and with and to know Jesus. Period. And to anyone that knows what this means, you'll agree, I think, that life is not worth living unless you have Jesus. Nothing else satisfies and is really worth putting your time into. That being said, putting your life fully into Jesus and living for Him will look different for everyone and cause devotion to family, people, organizations, and works that will be an outgrowth of your love for Him. At least this is what has happened and continues to happen for me. So now for the song lyrics:

I live by faith in the Son, who died for me and gave Himself for me
My life is hidden with Christ, who has become my hope of glory
This precious life I live for His sake
To proclaim His great fame

For me to live is Christ, to die would be gain
I'll spend my life on Him in the time that remains
For me to live is Christ, to die would be gain
I'll make the most of the time He's given me

All my fountains are in Him
All my life flows from Him
All my great worth comes from Him


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